Unstructured Loader
Unstructured Loader
With the Unstructured Loader, you can load various types of files and extract their content using the Unstructured API.
Install peer dependencies:
npm install unstructured-client --include=dev
Add Environment Variables
/* You can get one from - */
Copy the code
Add the following code to your utils/unstructuredLoader.ts
import { UnstructuredClient } from "unstructured-client";
import { PartitionResponse } from "unstructured-client/sdk/models/operations";
import {
} from "unstructured-client/sdk/models/shared";
import * as fs from "fs";
interface UnstructuredLoaderProps {
apiKey: string;
baseUrl?: string;
interface LoadUnstructuredDirectoryDataParams {
filePath: string;
fileName: string;
options?: Omit<PartitionParameters, "files">;
returnText?: boolean;
interface LoadUnstructuredFileDataParams {
fileContent: Uint8Array;
fileName: string;
returnText?: boolean;
options?: Omit<PartitionParameters, "files">;
export class UnstructuredLoader {
private client: UnstructuredClient;
constructor(props: UnstructuredLoaderProps) {
const { apiKey, baseUrl } = props;
if (!apiKey || apiKey.trim().length === 0) {
throw new Error("No API key provided for Unstructured!");
this.client = new UnstructuredClient({
...(baseUrl && baseUrl.trim().length !== 0 ? { serverURL: baseUrl } : {}),
security: {
apiKeyAuth: apiKey,
async loadUnstructuredDirectoryData(
params: LoadUnstructuredDirectoryDataParams
) {
const { filePath } = params;
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
return this.processFileData({ ...params, fileContent });
async loadUnstructuredFileData(params: LoadUnstructuredFileDataParams) {
return this.processFileData(params);
private async processFileData({
}: LoadUnstructuredFileDataParams) {
try {
const res: PartitionResponse = await this.client.general.partition({
partitionParameters: {
files: {
content: fileContent,
strategy: options?.strategy ?? Strategy.Auto,
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected status code: ${res.statusCode}`);
if (!res.elements || res.elements.length === 0) {
throw new Error("No elements returned in the response");
return returnText ? this.extractText(res.elements) : res.elements;
} catch (error: any) {
throw new Error(`Error processing file data: ${error.message}`);
private extractText(elements: Array<{ [k: string]: any }>): string {
return elements
.map((el) => el.text)
Initialize client
Initialize the UnstructuredLoader client.
import { UnstructuredLoader } from "@utils/unstructuredLoader";
const loader = new UnstructuredLoader({
apiKey: process.env.UNSTRUCTURED_API_KEY,
Load files from local directory
Provide the local file path to initiate it's content extraction.
const elementsFromDirectory = await loader.loadUnstructuredDirectoryData({
filePath: "./sample.png",
fileName: "Sample_File",
returnText: true,
Load files directly
Files can also be loaded directly, in this example assuming they are received as FormData.
const data = await request.formData();
const file: File | null = data.get("file") as File;
const arrayBuffer = await file.arrayBuffer();
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
const elementsFromFile = await loader.loadUnstructuredFileData({
fileContent: uint8Array,
fileName: "Sample_File",
returnText: true,
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
apiKey | string | The API key for | "" |
baseUrl | string? | Server URL in case of self-hosting | "" |
Prop | Type | Description |
filePath | string | The local file path of the file. |
fileName | string | Name of the file. |
returnText | boolean? | If true, the data returned will be a single string. |
options | optional | Additional options as specified in the Unstructured documentation. |
Prop | Type | Description |
fileContent | Uint8Array | Uint8Array content of the file. |
fileName | string | Name of the file. |
returnText | boolean? | If true, the data returned will be a single string. |
options | optional | Additional options as specified in the Unstructured documentation. |
This component is built on top of Unstructured Typescript SDK